Both the Reims and Berlin instruments of surrender stipulated that forces under German control to cease active operations at 23:01 hours CET on 8 May 1945. However, due to the difference in Central European and Moscow time zones, the end of war is celebrated on 9 May in the USSR and most post-Soviet countries.
Seems like a good day to share this.
My name is Pavati. I am a US-based musician, but I was born and raised in Russia. A part of my family comes from Ukraine. On February 24th, 2022 Russia attacked Ukraine and I was sickened to the core by the shameless aggression of my motherland towards its sister. I covered one of the greatest anti-war songs in history, Zombie by the Cranberries, because every word of it rings true today in modern Russia. What’s in your head, Mr. Putin? What’s in your head, someone who supports this war? Maybe if we know the answer we can find the solution together to STOP the war in Ukraine RIGHT NOW.